What is Managed IT Services?
Managed IT Services improves your IT system’s operations and devices (PCs, printers, IP cameras) while lowering costs thanks to a Managed Service Provider (MSP). An MSP based in Louisville, we offer this Internet as a Service through Service Level Agreements (SLA) that translate into smooth, efficient operations year after year.
From our Command Center, Advanced Global Communications fixes potential issues before they happen. Our people know your network like the backs of our hands.
24/7 Support & Monitoring
- AV and spyware, including complex virus remediation
- Windows patch management
- System hardware checks monitoring
- Operating systems (Windows) and network communications
- Printing functionality
- Internet browsing access
- Advanced Global Communications provisioned firewall/switch troubleshooting
- Access/functionality to 0365 applications provisioned through Advanced Global Communications
- General MS Windows support questions on settings, personalization, etc.
- Backups of MS Office documents and PDFs for all managed PCs
Our support specialists are never off the hook. Please don’t hesitate to contact us using any of the following methods:
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 177
Louisville, KY 40059
Physical/Shipping Address:
13314 West Highway 42
Louisville, KY 40059
IT Solutions Louisville, KY
- IT planning and strategies
- IT hardware and software procurement management and discounts
- Alert for issues identified by monitoring ahead of failure
- Inventory reporting available on PC/server hardware and software
- Web content filtering management if firewall is provisioned by us
- Network design and management if switches are provisioned by us
Our teams can ease burdens for IT staffs. We assist with moves, adds and changes; large-scale computer imaging/deployment; and complete data networking that includes Wi-Fi, fixed or mobile. AGC evaluates best practices to ensure optimum performance, from backup testing to security patches. We offer project planning, implementation and support.