Need positive change around the office? The new year is a perfect time to act!
Business phones offer a great example. Many customers are switching from older “on-premises” systems to AGC’s cloud-hosted telecom for voice, video, messaging, and collaboration.
Here’s why “the switch” is on:
- White-glove service that’s local – We’re in your backyard, not places like California or Holmdel, New Jersey (yes, “Holmdel,” wherever that is). Our Account Managers are here to ensure everything runs smoothly. Yet our cloud architecture serves clients throughout America and beyond.
- Higher costs for older telephone lines — Internet Service Providers will soon charge significantly more for older lines. Or they’re switching customers to fiber or digital. Our solution doesn’t require these lines or on-site equipment, so scratch that worry off your list!
- Zero replacement parts, no support — In many cases, no parts are available to fix aging equipment like wall-mounted servers. Toshiba’s support has stopped entirely. When available, parts arrival may require several business days. With AGC, you can wave goodbye to such disruptions.
- Enjoying the “latest- and-greatest” system with free software updates while benefiting from rich features. A few examples include “always-on” virtual meetings, caller ID, and voicemail-to-email. Desktops, handsets, and mobile devices are all part of this solution.
Plus, we program your system to achieve precise goals depending on what makes your organization tick. Examples include handling emergencies for healthcare organizations, streamlining carryout orders for busy restaurants or stronger sales for any firm seeking higher revenues.
Would those telecom giants know your organization this intimately? Highly doubtful since they’re based in faraway places and tend to communicate with tens of millions of customers through chat, call centers or form submissions.
As always, contact us or call 503-583-6000. Also, check out our hosted telecom page and the “101” on business telephones! As a non-siloed, family-owned telecom provider, AGC’s account managers — even firm owners — are easily accessible and ready to serve you.